Breast reduction
Excessively large breast can cause back, neck or shoulder pain, skin sores under
the breast or just moral distress. At any rate disproportionately large breasts will
prevent them from leading an active life style or limit their clothing choices. Breast
reduction can solve these problems: the most common technique is the inverted-T scar or
for smaller reductions the lollypop "Le Jour - Technique". Dr Blaga will discuss with you the particulars of your intervention and determine the most adapted procedure. Depending on the degree of reduction and lift needed breast feeding ability and or sensitivity of the nipple can be affected. Care of the scar is of outmost importance, so as to avoid wide or noticeable scars.
Breast lift or Mastopexy is done in order to replace the nipple at a normal position, but without reducing the size of the breast. The resulting scars are generally the same and the post operative care similar.
the breast or just moral distress. At any rate disproportionately large breasts will
prevent them from leading an active life style or limit their clothing choices. Breast
reduction can solve these problems: the most common technique is the inverted-T scar or
for smaller reductions the lollypop "Le Jour - Technique". Dr Blaga will discuss with you the particulars of your intervention and determine the most adapted procedure. Depending on the degree of reduction and lift needed breast feeding ability and or sensitivity of the nipple can be affected. Care of the scar is of outmost importance, so as to avoid wide or noticeable scars.
Breast lift or Mastopexy is done in order to replace the nipple at a normal position, but without reducing the size of the breast. The resulting scars are generally the same and the post operative care similar.